Final Video


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Editing Diary: Day 2

After we had finished filming our opening sequence, we went straight into editing it for our rough copy. I was in charge of making sure that our group's work was done to how we planned it to be, also I had to make sure our group had the a production logo. Othman was in charge of editing our clips on 'Final Cut Express' following closely what has been illustrated on our storyboard. Samuel was in charge of gathering a suitable sound for our title sequence and creating the text for our title sequence.

For our production logo, I had to explore the Internet looking for an 'Adobe After Effect' template that was close to the one we drew in our storyboard. After a long scan through websites and videos, we fount a template that appealed to us. Although we had the template,  we were not done, we need the text and the anchor on the same screen as the template background. I decided to open the template in 'Adobe After Effect'. Once in after effect, I had to place a text, however the text needed to be seen clearly, so we added a drop shadow to the text. Thanks to our teachers we were able to apply text to the background, choose the positioning of the text and how it will appear. Cautious of time, we were advice to leave the image out of the production logo and so we did.

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