Final Video


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Editing Practical - CSI: South Norwood

CSI: South Norwood


In this task, we were shown a CSI opening like the one above, then we were told to create a opening scene like CSI. Given many different clips to add while using the clips we recorded within the lesson, I was able to create an opening by fusing the clips together and adding text to the clips.


From this task, I was able to get a bit of an understanding of how an opening/title scene should look like, what is required of  an opening to make it more effective to the audience. To make an effective opening it is important to make sure that the opening flows smoothly so the editing must be good, the visual looks well placed and in sync to the audio that may be playing in the background. Another aspect that makes an opening effective would be the text, the text must be able to be read clearly so when making an title/opening sequence it is important to think about the typography, how will it look with the visual, how much of the screen does it take up, how will the colours of the text match the background and still able to be seen. The last thing that make a opening effective is the way in which they create enigma codes, enigma codes really make the audience think about what they see and what they expect to see and makes the audience intrigued to watch the media product.


  1. what makes an opening title sequence 'more effective to the audience'?

    Mrs Jones

  2. I have tried to explain what makes an opening more effective.
