Final Video


Wednesday 23 October 2013

Continuity Task

Continuity Task

In this task we were given a selection of different clips that we were told to edit and make it a continuous scene. Using the year 13's clips and Final Cut Express, I was able to use the clips to make a continuous scene.

From this task, I have learnt that it is important that when filming you should keep everything the way it was set, such as props and lighting. This is important as it make the scene look more realistic so by changing these factors around could cause confusion to arise and take the continuity away making it seem obvious that the shots may have been done at complete different times, therefore taking away the realism of that scene. This task will help me plan out my future filming work better as it has allowed me to see what different editing techniques and shots is best to use to show continuity within a scene (I.e.: Match on Action and Shot reverse shot). It also has helped me to use different clips to make a film seem like it is continuous by using simple editing techniques. It has helped me to recognise where the 180 degree rule has been broken and by doing this will allow me to abide by its rule in my filming so that it makes sense to the audience and does not ruin the continuity of the filming.


  1. Can you explain the following in your post:

    What did you learn about continuity editing from this task?
    How will this impact on the planning of your film work?
    What techniques (filming and editing) are used to create a sense of continuity?

    Mrs Jones

  2. well done for making the relevant improvements.

    Mrs Jones
