Final Video


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Evaluation: Question Plan

Evaluation Plan:

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

9 Key Frame: I chose to use this way of evaluating this question because it will allow me to pick 9 individual screenshots from different sections of our title sequence that show the answer to the question.

  • Unpick the question- Challenge, Convention: These are the keywords in the question, I need to be able to state the convention we used in our title sequence and some challenges to the convention of a crime fiction that it beholds
  • Main Points- The conventions in the title sequence are what people would expect to see in typical crime fiction films (i.e.: criminals), the challenges that this title sequence has (i.e.: Comedy elements).
  • Evidence- Looking over my 9 key frames and picking each section individually of parts that challenge or stay conventional to crime fictions.
  • Analysis- It creates enigma codes by using elements that challenge the genre's conventions, making more interesting to the viewer. Important to keep some of the usual conventions of crime fiction films to help the audience understand what they will expect to see and therefore keeping them happy.
  • Key Concept- Genre, Representation, Audience, Narrative

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Powtoon: I chose to use this style as I have not used this website before however it stood out to me the most, it will allow me to explore different social groups, explain why they would enjoy our production and how our title sequence may represent these different groups. This question may be the hardest question for us as throughout our title sequence we chose to make it into a silhouette style opening and so does not show much of the different social groups in it as effective as other title sequences.

  • Unpick the question- Represent: This word is very important to As Media, it is a key word that should be focused upon. I must answer the question describing and explaining how our media product shows off socials groups.
  • Main Points- My media product represent young aged men.
  • Evidence- The clothing and the character within the title sequence
  • Analysis- The characters are seen as trying to represent young aged men due to the fact that the characters are in suits which are usually associated with mature people and adults. The characters are also male and shows that they are representing that gender.
  • Key Concept- Genre, Representation, Audience, Narrative

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Infographic: I have chose this style to answer this question, I like this website as it works well to position information, it also looks very professional and will allow me to explain the distributor and the film they have previously distributed on it in a clear way.

  • Unpick the question- Media Institution: This one of the keywords in the question, I must explore different institutions that may distribute my film. Distribute: Another keyword in the question, I must think why certain distributors would distribute this movie, I also need to look at examples of film that previous distributors have distributed and link it to my film.
  • Main Points- I want Warner Bros to distribute my film because they have distributed many successful films and are a mainstream institution meaning that my film has a better chance of becoming successful. Why I believe it is more beneficial to pick a mainstream institution over an independent institution. 
  • Evidence- Example of Warner Bros' distributed film (i.e.: Inception) and how much did the film receive in the box office. Look at an independent institution and look at their film that they distributed and the amount that they receive at box office and compare it to a mainstream box office
  • Analysis- From looking at films like 'Inception', it is clear to say that Warner Bros would improve the success of my film rather than a independent film. From the box office amount that Inception received it show that the film was very successful.
  • Key Concept- Genre, Audience, Institution

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Voki: I chose this software to answer this question, this software allows me to preset a digital avatar with words to say out loud. This will allow the viewer of my blog to just sit and listen to the Voki as it speaks out what I have written before.

  • Unpick the question- Audience: This is the important keyword within the question, it is important to focus all my points on the audience.
  • Main Points- Our media product would be for males and teenagers/grown ups (i.e.: 15+), people who enjoy crime fiction films and a bit of humor
  • Evidence- Males: There are no females within the title sequence and so shows that the main audience would be males. Teens/Grown Ups- There are scene of violence in the title sequence which involves guns. Primary Audience- Signs of crime fiction elements within the title sequence (i.e.: Detective or police and a criminal, who are conventional characters in crime fictions films and is a typical binary opposition between the good guys and the bad or criminal vs the law)
  • Analysis- Shows that our title sequence would have the primary audience interested in it however could also draw secondary audiences to watch it as it may have elements in it that interests them.
  • Key Concept- Genre, Representation, Audience, Narrative

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Feedback/reaction video blog: I will create a blog and place the reactions from different people as they watch my title sequence. I will also receive feedback from other people who do not want to make a reaction video out of them. From this I can answer part of the question however I will talk about how the title sequence addresses the audience that will watch. I will also look at different theories and decide on one that I believe describes how the audience become interested in different media texts.  

  • Unpick the question- Attract/Address: This is they key word, the question is basically asking how does our film draw in our audience
  • Main Points- Our title sequence help draw in our audience by the fact that most of the population are active but also by the different styles we use.
  • Evidence- Theories of Hypodermic Neddle Model and Uses and Gratifications Model
  • Analysis- Most of our audience said that they were an passive however some also said that they were an active audience. We tried to make it as interesting as we can so that both audiences can watch it and enjoy it.
  • Key Concept- Genre, Representation, Audience

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Interactive Timeline: This is the most interesting style to answer this question, it will allow me to section out the technology used between the progression of our As Media year.

  • Unpick the question- Learnt: This is the important key word of the question, it is a past tensed word and is asking about what I have learnt, therefore I should refer back to the past to help with this question
  • Main Points- Blogger, DSLR, Final Cut Express, Glogster, Infographic, PowToon, Screenomatic,, Prezi, Smartphone, iMac
  • Evidence- Blog posts
  • Analysis- Explain the progression and my knowledge and what I could improve.

7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Top Trump: I have chosen this style to answer this question, I can make a top trump of where I believe I was when I first started As Media and show the progression in knowledge, teamwork and other key skills from what I was when I started to where I am now.

  • Unpick the question- Preliminary task: This is asking me everything from my preliminary task to our final production, therefore I should focus my attention upon that period of time
  • Evidence- Blog posts
  • Analysis- I have now learnt from the problems that occurred at preliminary task (e.g.: Rewinding the tape) and used it so that I can avoid for future recording. 

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