Final Video


Monday, 2 December 2013

Credit Timeline

 Credit Timeline
In this lesson, we have been learning about how crediting usually appear in a title sequence, we had to pick a film to draw a time line for, this timeline was to show at what time each credit appears. I did my crediting on 'Ocean's Eleven (1960)', this title sequence is over 3 minutes long however consist of about 29 crediting title (from what i could count) which i a lot. The film follows the convention of typical title crediting, stating the institution and the actors first. From this task I have learnt the typical order that most title sequence conform to and how to break up each credit in its timing. Timeline is the best format to place the order as it allows you to see what time each title appears, what it will say and how long it stay on the screen for. It also allows to show the song and when it starts and finishes, when it may change and when it will fade out.


  1. What was this task?

    Can you explain what you were trying to do? What did you learn? What was the benefit of using this format?

    Mrs Jones

  2. I have made the necessary changes that you wanted me to make.
