Final Video


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Themes and Styles

What is a Theme?

The theme acts like the overall or underlying idea, it acts as the foundation of a piece of work or art or medium which makes everything within it link to it (Example: Christmas, the things that should be typically seen within the themes would be presents and Santa Clause).

The theme of 'Friends' is to show the friendship between the six characters within the show, this is express by the fact that the opening uses many different clips to create a montage of the characters from different episodes. In the scene one of the characters are usually seen with another character of the six, this really expresses the point that these characters are good friends as they are seen with each other a lot within the montage.

What is a Style?

Styles is the way that the production expresses the way things look under the influence of a theme. 

In this opening for 'Superbad', it uses a lot of visual style, i.e.: the silhouette of the character's dancing with the contrasting colours of their silhouette, the poor transition and very bright and colourful colours. These examples can be associated with the the theme of the 70's however this is a contrast of when the film is meant to be set in but by doing this create enigma codes as it keeps the audience guessing about the film.

Theme and Style Analysis: Dexter

This opening sequence from the TV drama 'Dexter' we are able to see or link what the show will be focusing around. There is many connotation of blood that is seen quite frequently within the sequence, although most of the time it is not blood. The first connotation of blood is seen when a bug (mosquito) is upon the arm of a character, this character hits it, this leaves behind a red substance upon his arm. This can only be associated with blood, the fact that the character does not seem to bothered about the blood on his arm suggest to use that he does not mind blood or enjoy the sight of blood. In another scene in the sequence, the character is seen shaving himself inside his room, after awhile, again another red substances (however this time it is more liquidise than before) starts dripping down his neck and into a sink. The large amount of the use of red connotes blood and death, it further denotes that the character may have a strange interest to blood as it is seen a lot in the sequence. It also helps to tell the the theme of the drama, this drama is about a serial killer who works as a blood analyst. 

This visual style of the red substance helps fit in with the theme of the show as this person is a serial killer and works with blood so is use to the sight of blood and that it is a big part of his life. Later, we see many objects that has the same look and properties of blood, i.e.: the ketchup being red however the way that they express the ketchup is unusual to how we would normally see it, they make it spit and gush out upon the plate, the colour of the ketchup is red and therefore links to the other red substances from previously and plus they don't show that it is ketchup because they do not show the bottle, creates enigma codes as the audience does not know exactly what it is and because they have been expose to the red substances that is most likely blood because of the source of where it comes from consist of blood, the audience will question the fact that if that is ketchup or is it blood. The style that they chose, uses a lot of connotation of blood due to the liquid red substance, to help link with the whole theme of the show and to help the audience understand the sort of things that they are expecting to see from this character.

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