Final Video


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Introduction to Sound



Conversation between 2 or more people.

Diegetic Sound:

The noises within a scene. The sounds that the character can hear at that moment in the scene.

Non-Diegetic Sound:

Sounds that the character cannot hear.

Sound Motif:

A sound that becomes associated with a person, thing or programme. Every time you hear the sound then you hear the sound then you can associate with something.

Synchronous Sound:

The visual seems to move with the sounds.

Contrapuntal Sound:

Sound that does not match what you can see, it sounds inappropriate and does not fit the feel of the visual.

Voice Over:

A narrator who talks over a scene.

Ambient Sound:

Everyday noises that you can hear in the background of a scene.

Sound Perspective:

From a character’s perspective or view.

Mode of address/Direct address:

The narrator addresses the audience directly.

Sound Bridge:

Sound that lead in or out of a scene, it is a sound transition.

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